 MA Yankun.Vygotsky's Contributions to Marxist Psychology[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2023,(05):058-68.





Vygotsky's Contributions to Marxist Psychology
MA Yankun
Vygotsky Marxist psychology ontology epistemology methodology
Vygotsky was deeply influenced by Marxism, and he used the Marxist perspective, viewpoints, and methods to explore complex psychological phenomena. He creatively applied Marxism to the field of psychology, thereby advancing the development of psychology. Vygotsky's contributions to Marxist psychology can be summarized as follows. (1)Vygotsky fostered an organic connection between Marxism and psychology: he seamlessly connected Marxism's social and political framework to the analysis of various psychological phenomena, and viewed psychological concepts and frameworks as cultural-historical phenomena, thus establishing an organic link between Marxism and psychology. (2)Vygotsky learned from the developmental patterns of Marxist theory: both Vygotsky and Marx based their theoretical constructions on the foundational idea that cooperative social activities form the basis of human development. They both considered human artifacts as objects of material exchange and employed dialectical analysis to comprehensively explain their respective research phenomena. (3)Vygotsky inherited and developed dialectical materialism and historical materialism: inspired by Marxist methodology, Vygotsky aimed to construct a “psychological materialism” based on the fundamental principles of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. (4)Vygotsky established ontological, epistemological, and methodological principles of Marxist psychology.


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