LIANG Yunbao.Regression or Breakthrough: On Attribution of Causalityin China’s Criminal Law in Criminal Law[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2019,(05):120-131.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Regression or Breakthrough: On Attribution of Causalityin China’s Criminal Law in Criminal Law
- 作者:
东南大学法学院(南京 211189)
- Author(s):
LIANG Yunbao
Southeast University (Nanjing 211189).
- 关键词:
因果关系; 相当因果关系说; 危险的现实化理论; 客观归属
- Keywords:
causality; equivalent causality theory; dangerous content completion theory; objective attributiontheory
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
China’s traditional causality theory makes a purely objective orientation of causality and at thesame time mixes some normative connotations in judgment, which renders it difficult to make reasonablenormative judgments and causes a lack of judicial adaptability in dealing with specific cases. In the Continentalcountries, the revised equivalent causality theory and the dangerous content completion theory are the two latestdevelopments in causality attribution in criminal law. They have neither abandoned the content of norms onnormative judgment, nor limited the establishment scope of causation in criminal law to the objective level.So far, the revised equivalent causality theory, the dangerous content completion theory and the objectiveattribution theory have failed to provide adequate criteria for normative judgment. However, the objectiveattribution theory has some obvious comparative advantages in methodology and subordinate rules. Rather thanreturning to purely objective judgment, the solution to the crises in China’s traditional causality theory requiresa theoretical breakthrough characterized by incorporating the appropriate elements of objective attributiontheory into the normative judgement when determining the causality in criminal cases.
- 备注/Memo:
梁云宝,法学博士,东南大学法学院副教授(南京 211189)。本文系国家社会科学基金项目“网络时代新型侵财行为的入罪理念与方法研究”(19BFX075)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2242019S30027)的研究成果。
LIANG Yunbao, PhD in Law, Associate Professor at School of Law, Southeast University (Nanjing 211189).
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