YANG Deng-feng.Several Issues concerning Incorporating Credibility as a Componentof Core Values into Building a Law-Based Government[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2018,(05):098.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Several Issues concerning Incorporating Credibility as a Componentof Core Values into Building a Law-Based Government
- 作者:
- Author(s):
YANG Deng-feng
- 关键词:
诚信; 核心价值观; 法治政府建设
- Keywords:
credibility; core values; building a law-based government
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
In the system of core socialist values, credibility is regarded as a key component concerning acitizen’s personality. This, however, does not mean that credibility should not be integrated into the constructionof a law-based government or has little bearing on this great cause. The incorporation of credibility into buildinga law-based government requires the enhancement of citizens’ personal integrity but more importantly has toimprove the credibility of the government as well as the personal integrity of public servants. Credibility is ofgreat axiological value and at the same time is an essential part of the code governing our conduct. That is tosay, when credibility as a code of conduct is incorporated into the construction of a law-based government, itscorporation as a component of values system will consequently be achieved. In promoting and explaining theidea of credibility, we not only have to base it on the notion of credibility in the traditional Chinese culture butalso should take into consideration the new qualities it has gained from the operation of contract-based marketeconomy and the rule of law in the modern society. With a view to the enhancement of credibility in China, thesuccessful incorporation of this value into building a law-based government depends on the establishment ofsuch effective mechanisms as assessing the governmental credibility and filing the credibility records of publicservants.
- 备注/Memo:
*法学博士,南京师范大学法学院教授、博士生导师,南京师范大学中国法治现代化研究院和江苏法治发展研究院研究员,210023。本文为2014 年江苏省哲学社会科学规划办公室研究基地项目“地方城府诚信评估机制研究”(14JD020)的研究成果。
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