FAN Jing-bo.Basic Housing Security Services of Chinese Government:AnEmpirical Analysis of Residents’Satisfaction in the Eastern Region[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2017,(06):059.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Basic Housing Security Services of Chinese Government:AnEmpirical Analysis of Residents’Satisfaction in the Eastern Region
- 作者:
- Author(s):
FAN Jing-bo
- 关键词:
住房保障; 满意度; 东部地区; 省际差异
- Keywords:
housing security; satisfaction degree; eastern region; inter-provincial gap
- 摘要:
保障公民的基本居住权是政府的重要责任,2010 年后我国政府开始了大规模的保障性住房提供服务。本研究从居民满意度的视角分析了我国政府住房保障服务提供的质量与水平,研究发现东部居民对住房保障服务的总体满意度评分不高。从东部地区分居住地类型来看,农村地区的满意度水平相对最高,市/县城的边缘地区居民的满意度相对最低;且省际间存在着显著的差距,山东、天津与江苏居民的满意度相对较高,广东、上海与北京居民的满意度相对较低。政府应通过进一步加大住房保障资金投入、提高公共性程度、推进地区间均等化等途径来提高住房保障服务水平与居民满意度。
- Abstract:
It is an important duty for the government to ensure housing for its people. Since 2010,Chinesegovernment has begun large-scale government-subsidized housing supply services. This study analyzes thequality and level of the government housing security services from the perspective of the satisfaction of theresidents. Results show that the residents’satisfaction in the eastern region of China is not high. Amongthe groups identified according to the location of their residence,the satisfaction level in the rural areas isthe highest,and that in the outskirts of the cities is the lowest. There is a significant gap between differentprovinces. The satisfaction of the residents in Shandong,Tianjin and Jiangsu is relatively high,and that inGuangdong,Shanghai and Beijing is relatively low. The government should raise the level of housing securityservices and the residents’satisfaction by taking such measures as further increasing the investment in thehousing projects,making the public services more accessible to the residents involved,and promoting balanceddevelopment between different regions.
- 备注/Memo:
* 管理学博士,对外经济贸易大学公共管理学院副教授,100029。本文是国家社科基金青年项目“家庭因素影响教育人力资本的机制及对策研究”(13CGL120)、“政府购买公共服务的‘公共性流失’问题及对策研究”(15CZZ026)以及北京市社科基金青年项目“首都地区家庭资本影响教育资源配置的模式及机制研究”(16JYC027)阶段性成果。
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