SHI Chang-zhou.Contemporary Interpretation and Inheritance of TraditionalMoral Education: A Case Study on Li-xue in the Song Dynasty[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2015,(03):083.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Contemporary Interpretation and Inheritance of TraditionalMoral Education: A Case Study on Li-xue in the Song Dynasty
- 作者:
- Author(s):
SHI Chang-zhou
- 关键词:
道德教育; 内涵; 文化渊源; 宋代; 理学
- Keywords:
moral education; connotation; cultural origins; Song Dynasty; li-xue
- 摘要:
党的十八大以来,习近平总书记多次强调弘扬中华优秀传统文化,加强道德建设的重要意义。中华传统道德与美德无疑是其重要组成部分:回顾我国的悠久历史与灿烂文化,两宋时期文化高度繁荣,儒家思想也发展到新的高峰,并形成了影响深远的程朱理学等众多流派。其核心的道德规范和价值体系有:士人们秉承儒家民胞物与、忧国忧民的情怀,心系国计民生,具有鲜明的入世精神:他们注重内心涵养,敛情约性,崇尚不慕荣利的人生态度; 倡导力学苦读,追求诚明直谅、文章德行双馨的人生目标; 孜孜以求儒学的风范、不断提升个人道德修养,等等,这些都是中华民族传统文化的精华,也给我们当代文化和社会主义道德建设,提供了重要的实践价值与借鉴依据。
- Abstract:
Since the 18th Party Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly highlighted the importance of promoting traditional Chinese culture and strengthening our moral education. China boasts of a long history and splendid civilization, of which traditional Chinese values are an indispensable part. In the Song Dynasty, a chapter of Chinese history known by its thriving culture, the development of Confucianism reached its new height, and newly-emerged schools like Cheng-Zhu li-xue(理学learning of principle)exerted profound influences on Chinese culture. The core moral norms and value system of the Neo-Confucianism at that time are as follows. Confucian scholars entertained universal love to everything, and showed great concern for the national affairs and the people’s livelihood, reflecting their desire to go into the society. They focused on self-cultivation and self-control without chasing after fame and wealth. As advocates for diligent study, they pursued integrity in character and excellence in academic achievement. Their unswerving pursuit of Confucianism and moral cultivation is the essence of traditional Chinese culture, which is also of practical and referential significance for our cultural and socialist moral construction in contemporary China.
- 备注/Memo:
* 文学博士,南京审计学院文学院副教授,211815。
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