WEI Hong-yuan.From Writing after Canons to Writing after True Feelings:Evolution of Wang Shizhen’s Literary Thoughts of “Nature”[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2014,(06):124-130.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
From Writing after Canons to Writing after True Feelings:Evolution of Wang Shizhen’s Literary Thoughts of “Nature”
- 作者:
- Author(s):
WEI Hong-yuan
- 关键词:
王世贞; 自然; 师古; 师心
- Keywords:
Wang Shizhen; nature; writing after canons; writing after true feelings
- 摘要:
从重“曹、韩遗迹”到“天厩万匹皆吾师”,是王世贞由重“字师”向重“心师”的一大转变,这一转变是通过对“自然”思想的提倡来进行的。王世贞“自然”思想的形成经历了漫长的过程:其早年热衷学习前人经典,以此获取创作灵感; 晚年受昙阳子“三教合一”思想影响,摆脱了模写经典的程式化写作,弱化“秦汉”“盛唐”等取法对象,强调抒写真情,追求恬淡的创作风格。王世贞“自然”思想注重学习过程的积累,经由“苦思”“琢磨”再到“自得”,经由“师古”再到“师心”。
- Abstract:
There is a great shift in Wang Shizhen’s ideas on literature. In his early years, he was zealous for “restoration of ancient literary tradition” and advocated following the genre and style of great literary canons; however, in his late years, he emphasized writing according to one’s true feelings, which is manifested in his notion of nature. One key cause for his change is that he accepted Tan Yangzi’s ideas of “combination of three religions” and “heart being Buddha”. Under Tan’s influence, Wang began to pursue a tranquil and natural style of writing. The evolution of Wang’s literary thoughts actually reflects his emphasis on the importance of accumulation in literary creation: years of learning, due understanding and adequate practice precede accomplishments; writing according to one’s true feelings follows writing after the great masters.
- 备注/Memo:
* 文学博士,兰州大学文学院副教授,730000。本文为国家社科基金重大招标项目“《王世贞全集》整理与研究”(12&ZD159)阶段性成果。
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