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Impact of Classroom Goal Structure on Elementary School Students Academic Outcomes and Mental Health: The Mediation of Achievement Goals from Cross sectional and Longitudinal Samples(PDF)


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Impact of Classroom Goal Structure on Elementary School Students Academic Outcomes and Mental Health: The Mediation of Achievement Goals from Cross sectional and Longitudinal Samples
classroom goal structure achievement goals academic outcomes mental health mediation
Academic development and mental health are two indicators for students positive development. As a whole motivational circumstance, classroom goal structure as well as achievement goals are two key factors influencing students academic outcomes and wellbeing. The current research aimed to examine how robustly the above two factors work together in predicting Chinese elementary school students health development, particularly the mediation of achievement goals across cross-sectional and longitudinal samples. Two studies were conducted, in which, Study 1 investigated 470 students from the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades as a cross-sectional sample and Study 2 focused on 172 fourth graders with a seven-month interval as a longitudinal sample. The results showed that:(1) robustly, mastery classroom goal structure was found to promote students mastery-approach goals, which, in turn, enhanced their academic self-efficacy in both the cross-sectional and longitudinal samples. (2) The mediation of achievement goals was found different between the cross-sectional and longitudinal samples. Specifically, achievement goals functioned as a mediator in the associations between classroom goal structure and students academic achievement in the cross-sectional sample, and as a mediator in the associations between classroom goal structure and students mental health(i.e ., vitality and positive school affect) in the longitudinal sample. (3) Mastery classroom goal structure and mastery-approach goals were vital for enhancing elementary school students academic self-efficacy, facilitating their vitality, increasing their positive school affect, and decreasing their negative school affect.


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Last Update: 2023-06-25