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Social Identity Dilemma of Undergraduate Vocational Education and Its Resolution Strategies: An Investigation from the Perspective of Social Constructivist Epistemology(PDF)


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Social Identity Dilemma of Undergraduate Vocational Education and Its Resolution Strategies: An Investigation from the Perspective of Social Constructivist Epistemology
HAO Tiancong SHI Weiping
undergraduate vocational education social identity general public's standpoint social constructivist epistemology
Despite the vigorous promotion at the policy level, undergraduate vocational education has encountered a dilemma of social identity in the general public. According to the social constructivist epistemology, the identity of undergraduate vocational education is the product of social construction. Through the social construction process consisting of externalization, objectification, and internalization, the current undergraduate vocational education has left people with such impressions as “poor career development prospect”, “weak undergraduate attribute” and “low status in education system”. This has brought about the social identity dilemma facing undergraduate vocational education. The key to resolving the dilemma is to promote the transformation of people's positions through systematic social construction. Firstly, advocating the concept characterized by “socialization” for running undergraduate vocational education, optimizing the profession setting of undergraduate vocational education by taking into account both the individuals and the market demand, building a labor market environment more conducive to the development of skilled talents, and reconstructing people's understanding of the concept of “vocation” in undergraduate vocational education. Secondly, by deepening the reform of higher education evaluation standards guided by differentiated development, creating a learning platform for undergraduate vocational education based on the principle of openness and interoperability, and strengthening the construction of technical discipline-focused undergraduate vocational education, we can reconstruct people's imagination of “undergraduate” vocational education. The third is to reconstruct people's imagination of “education” in the field of undergraduate vocational education by widely carrying out vocational education in the stage of basic education, changing the current system of diverting the vocational education from the general education according to the scores students achieve in the high school entrance examination, and exploring the establishment of a unified national college entrance examination system for vocational education.




Last Update: 2022-12-25