[1]徐 敏.“价值中立”与文学史书写 ——洪子诚《中国当代文学史》方法论探析[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),2013,(04):134.
XU Min.Value Neutrality and Writing of Literary History: Methodology of Hong Zicheng’s Contemporary Chinese Literary History[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2013,(04):134.
“价值中立”与文学史书写 ——洪子诚《中国当代文学史》方法论探析
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Value Neutrality and Writing of Literary History: Methodology of Hong Zicheng’s Contemporary Chinese Literary History
- 作者:
徐 敏*
- Author(s):
XU Min
- 关键词:
价值中立; 洪子诚; 《中国当代文学史》; 方法论
- Keywords:
value neutrality; Hong Zicheng; Contemporary Chinese Literary History; methodology
- 摘要:
洪子诚以价值中立的学术立场撰述中国当代文学史,出色运用“知识考古学”的方法挖掘了国家意识形态如何全方位渗透进文学活动的整个过程; 同时又对这一思路背后的“解构”意识持保留态度,从而引发学界争议。不同学者因着相异的现实认知与研究动力,而对知识与权力、审美与意识形态诸关系产生彼此抵牾的理解与阐释方向。此一学案为衡估当代文学学界的学术诉求及限度,提供了进一步讨论的空间。
- Abstract:
When writing his Contemporary Chinese Literary History, Hong Zicheng tried to take a value neutrality position. What is controversial about his writing of the literary history is that in his effective exploration of how national ideology permeates every part of literature he successfully employed Foucault’s method of knowledge archaeology but at the same time he kept his distance from the deconstruction pursuits intrinsic to Foucault’s method. Due to their different understandings of reality and motivations for doing research, different scholars sometimes give conflicting interpretations and theorizations of such relationships as those between knowledge and power as well as between aesthetics and ideology. Hong Zicheng’s narration of literary history provides us space for further examining contemporary literature’s academic aspirations and boundaries.
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