[1]叶皖林 谭顶良.第二语言汉语学习策略的动态选择与发展:一项纵向研究[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),2022,(02):065-75.
YE Wanlin,TAN Dingliang.Dynamic Selection and Development of Strategies in Learning Chinese as a Second Language:A Longitudinal Study[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2022,(02):065-75.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Dynamic Selection and Development of Strategies in Learning Chinese as a Second Language:A Longitudinal Study
- 作者:
叶皖林 谭顶良
- Author(s):
YE Wanlin; TAN Dingliang
- 关键词:
第二语言汉语; 学习策略; 选择; 发展; 纵向研究
- Keywords:
Chinese as a second language; learning strategy; selection; development; longitudinal study
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
This study conducted a longitudinal observation on the use of strategies in learning Chinese as a second language to reveal the characteristics and laws of language learning strategies. Using a customized Chinese learning Strategy Questionnaire, we investigated the use of Chinese learning strategies by 42 native English speakers at four time points(3, 6, 12 and 18 months), measured the magnitude of and change in the use of learning strategies over time. In this paper, we describe the trajectory of the change in the learning process and analyze the relationship between the development of strategy use, the learning content, and individual cognition. The results show that learners’ use of strategies is selective at different stages of second language learning. Over a certain span of time, the use of strategies shows a nonlinear development trend. The use of language learning strategies varies with the situation of language problems and individual cognition. This study has enriched the second language acquisition theory and provided empirical evidence for strategy intervention in Chinese learning.
- 备注/Memo:
叶皖林,心理学博士,南京师范大学国际文化教育学院副教授(南京210097); 谭顶良,心理学博士,南京师范大学教育科学学院教授、博士生导师(南京210097)。本文是高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目“留学生汉语口语学习策略对口语水平的影响:模型建构与干预实验”(2018SJZDI164)阶段性研究成果。
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