[1]周 星 任晟姝.新文科建设背景下艺术学科综合性发展的思考[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),2020,(03):142-150.
ZHOU Xing,REN Shengshu.Reflection on the Comprehensive Development of Arts Disciplines in theDrive to Construct New Liberal Arts in China’s Universities[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2020,(03):142-150.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Reflection on the Comprehensive Development of Arts Disciplines in theDrive to Construct New Liberal Arts in China’s Universities
- 作者:
周 星 任晟姝
- Author(s):
ZHOU Xing; REN Shengshu
- 关键词:
新文科; 艺术学科; 戏剧影视学; 审美素养; 路径方略
- Keywords:
new liberal arts; art discipline; theatre and film studies; aesthetic accomplishment; approach and strategy
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The launch of the drive to construct new liberal arts in China’s universities in 2019 means that the humanities and social sciences will experience a new reform. The drive to construct new liberal arts is intended to integrate the resources and explore an innovative direction on the basis of respecting and inheriting previous achievements in building the disciplines of humanities and social sciences. The launch of this project is in line with the needs of social development in the new era, meeting the needs of improving the quality of liberal arts-related disciplines required by the development of the times, and responds to the challenges posed by the new developments in the Internet era and AI era. Such issues as how to construct the new liberal arts and how to adapt the arts disciplines to the development of the new liberal arts all need further in-depth research. This paper also discusses the key issues in constructing new liberal arts by focusing on the implications of this great project for the development of arts disciplines in China’s universities.
- 备注/Memo:
周星,北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院教授、博士生导师,教育部戏剧与影视学类专业教指委主任,教育部新文科建设委员会成员(北京100875)。任晟姝,艺术学博士,北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院讲师(北京100875)。本文系国家社科基金十三五规划2019年教育学重点课题(ALA190017)的研究成果。ZHOU Xing is Professor and PhD Supervisor at School of Arts and Communication, Beijing Normal University(Beijing 100875); REN Shengshu is Lecturer at School of Arts and Communication, Beijing Normal University(Beijing 100875).
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