CHEN Liqin.Gender Differences in Rural Household Poverty and theMultidimensional Poverty Index:An Analysis Based on theData Collected from Limushan Town in Hainan Province[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2020,(02):107-115.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Gender Differences in Rural Household Poverty and theMultidimensional Poverty Index:An Analysis Based on theData Collected from Limushan Town in Hainan Province
- 作者:
- Author(s):
CHEN Liqin
- 关键词:
多维贫困; 性别贫困差异; 精准扶贫
- Keywords:
multidimensional poverty; gender differences in poverty; precise poverty reduction
- 摘要:
基于多维贫困视角,对海南琼中黎母山镇的贫困数据遵循贫困维度指数的选取、指标权重的选择、指标加总的行文逻辑构建了不同性别的农户多维贫困指数; 多维贫困指数表征了不同性别的农户贫困存在较大差异,具体体现在教育、健康、经济、闲暇、社会地位和决策权等六个方面,而其中妇女的决策权贫困尤其突出。不同性别的农户多维贫困指数为政府的精准扶贫工作提供了一些参考:用好多维贫困大数据,打好精准脱贫攻坚战; 建立农户多维贫困识别标准,使扶贫工作更加精细化; 从供给侧结构性改革,以农户的脱贫需求为导向,使政府扶贫工作的供给与需求更加协调与融合; 分性别进行多维贫困指数的统计,关注多维贫困的性别差异,针对不同性别采取有效措施,为精准扶贫和性别平等助力。
- Abstract:
Based on the multidimensional perspective on poverty, we have constructed the multidimensional index based on the data of poverty collected from the Limushan Town in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province by following the logic governing the selection, weight determination and summation of the indexes. This index shows that the degree of poverty varies with the gender in rural households in the following six aspects:education, health, economy, leisure, social status and right to make decision. Of particular note is the fact that women’s poverty concerning decision-making right is prominent. The multidimensional poverty index informed by gender difference of different rural households can provide a good reference for the government’s poverty reduction campaign:the big data in this regard can help them win the battle against poverty by establishing the multidimensional criteria for identifying poverty and having a precise target. This index can also help the government align the supply of poverty reduction with the need of rural households. In a nutshell, the statistics informed by the gender factor can make it possible for us to take corresponding measures in lifting people in rural areas out of poverty and thus achieve a precise poverty reduction.
- 备注/Memo:
陈丽琴,管理学博士,海南大学政治与公共管理学院教授(海口570228)。本文是国家社科基金资助项目“滇桂黔石漠化片区土地政策实施的减贫效应研究”(17XZZ002)的阶段性成果。 CHEN Liqin, PhD in Management, is Professor at School of Public Administration, Hainan University(Haikou 570228).
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