[1]宋争辉 王 勇.大学基层学术组织的发展困境及治理路径——学科制度的视角[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),2019,(05):045-53.
SONG Zhenghui,WANG Yong.Development Dilemma and Governance Path of Basic-levelAcademic Organizations in Universities: An Analysisfrom the Perspective of Disciplinary Institution[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2019,(05):045-53.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Development Dilemma and Governance Path of Basic-levelAcademic Organizations in Universities: An Analysisfrom the Perspective of Disciplinary Institution
- 作者:
宋争辉 王 勇
宋争辉,西南大学教育学部(重庆 400715),信阳师范学院(信阳 464000);王勇,西南大学教育学部(重庆400715)。
- Author(s):
SONG Zhenghui; WANG Yong
Southwest University(Chongqing 400715)
- 关键词:
学科制度; 大学基层学术组织; 治理路径; 组织创新
- Keywords:
disciplinary institution; university basic-level academic organization; governance path; organizational innovation
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The basic-level academic organizations in universities are formed and developed in the constantinteraction between institutionalization and deinstitutionalization. Disciplinary institution is the foundationof modern university organizational system, and it is also the driving force to promote the formation anddevelopment of the basic-level academic organizations in universities. Under the background of the greatdifferentiation and integration of different knowledge areas, the current disciplinary institution has increasinglypresented some problems, restricting the change of the traditional disciplinary organization and bringing aboutsome serious challenges to the organization mode and operation mechanism of our universities. In order tocope with the crisis of the disciplinary institution, we should reconstruct and innovate the idea, structure andmechanism for the governance of the basic-level academic organizations from such aspects as the disciplinaryconcept, structure, system and culture, so as to enhance the capacity of academic governance and innovation.
- 备注/Memo:
宋争辉,管理学博士,西南大学教育学部教授、博士生导师(重庆 400715),信阳师范学院教授(信阳 464000);王勇,西南大学教育学部博士研究生(重庆400715)。
SONG Zhenghui, PhD in Management, is Professor and PhD Supervisor at Facultyof Education, Southwest University(Chongqing 400715); WANG Yong is PhD Candidate at Faculty ofEducation, Southwest University(Chongqing 400715).
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