WANG Jianhua.Are Universities Lagging Behind the Times?: An Analysisfrom a Technological Perspective[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2019,(05):032-44.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Are Universities Lagging Behind the Times?: An Analysisfrom a Technological Perspective
- 作者:
- Author(s):
WANG Jianhua
Nanjing Normal University (Nanjing 210097)
- 关键词:
印刷技术; 信息技术; 数字化大学
- Keywords:
printing technology; information technology; digital university
- 摘要:
大学的发展、变革与技术的变迁、进步密切相关。近代大学的复兴以15 世纪中叶印刷术的出现为基础。19 世纪以来,研究型大学体制的形成更是完全得益于印刷与出版技术的成熟。20 世纪80 年代以来,伴随互联网的出现,以计算机为载体的数字技术迅速发展,人类社会进入信息化时代。信息技术的快速发展颠覆了印刷技术对于知识生产、传播的垄断,从根本上改变了大学得以存在与发展的技术和制度环境,在高等教育领域引发了一系列影响深远的变革。面对信息技术革命的挑战,大学需要适应持续不断的技术变革以实现自我的革新。面向未来,在从传统大学向数字化大学转型发展的漫长过程中,唯有借助科技的力量才能避免大学实体的消亡并保持它作为一种组织制度的独特性与卓越性。
- Abstract:
The development and reform of universities are closely related to the progress in technology.A good case in point is the fact that the renaissance of modern university was inseparable from theinvention of printing technology in the mid-15th century and the system of research university has benefitedtremendously from the maturity of printing and publishing technologies since the 19th century. Since the1980s, human society has entered an information era where, supported by computers, digital technology hasdramatically developed. The monopoly of printing technology on knowledge production and transmissionhas been subverted by the rapid development of information technology, radically changing the university’stechnological environment for development and provoking a series of reforms in higher education. Facingchallenges from technological reform, the university is expected to adjust itself to the continuous technologicalreforms so as to achieve self-reform. To face the future, the demise of the traditional“real”universities can beavoided and the uniqueness and excellence kept only by means of technology in the long process of traditionaluniversities’ transformation into digital universities.
- 备注/Memo:
WANG Jianhua, PhD in Education, is Professor and PhD Supervisor at School ofEducation Science and Collaborative Innovation Center for Fostering Virtue through Education, NanjingNormal University (Nanjing 210097).
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