CHEN Lele.The View on Children in China over the Past 70 Years: A Historical Review and Reflection[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2019,(03):041-49.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
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- Title:
The View on Children in China over the Past 70 Years: A Historical Review and Reflection
- 作者:
河南大学教育科学学院(开封 475004)
- Author(s):
- 关键词:
新中国70年; 儿童观; 学前教育
- Keywords:
70 years since 1949; view on children; preschool education
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The view on children refers to the basic ideas about and attitudes to children held by a state or its people in different eras. It reflects the recognition and understanding of the status and value of children in specific historical periods. Looking back on the history of the 70 years of preschool education since 1949, we will find that the first view on children is that children were regarded as “social needs” in the early days: i.e. they were mainly viewed as the “successors” and “builders” of the socialist China. At the time of the “cultural revolution”, the concept of children was misplaced: children were mainly treated as political subjects and adults, leading to an alienation of children. After the implementation of the reform and opening up policy in 1978, we have begun to “re-recognize” children. The essence of this understanding is to “discover” children and re-establish the child-oriented theory. The concept of children since the beginning of the 21st century is to further deepen and study the “child-oriented theory” which has been established since 1978 and is well manifested in the discourses of “liberating children” and “learning from children”. As a result, the modern reform in the view on children in China has been accomplished and what it intends is being “carried out”.
- 备注/Memo:
陈乐乐,教育学博士,河南大学教育科学学院讲师(开封 475004)。本文系2018年度河南省哲学社会科学规划项目“皮亚杰哲学中儿童认识的‘非二元性’问题研究”(2018CJY035)研究成果。About the author: CHEN Lele, PhD in education, is Assistant Professor at School of Education Science, Henan University(Kaifeng 475004).
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