[1]殷 文 张 杰.水平集体主义与参与式文化——网络化时代青年个人价值观新变化研究[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),2019,(02):120-129.
YIN Wen,ZHANG Jie.Horizontal Collectivism and Participatory Culture: A Study on theNew Changes in Individual Values Held by Youth Groups in theNetwork Era[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2019,(02):120-129.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Horizontal Collectivism and Participatory Culture: A Study on theNew Changes in Individual Values Held by Youth Groups in theNetwork Era
- 作者:
殷 文 张 杰
殷文,南京林业大学人文社会科学学,南京210023;张杰,河海大学公共管理学院,南京 210098
- Author(s):
YIN Wen, PhD in sociology, is Associate Professor at College of Humanities andSocial Sciences, Nanjing Forestry University ( Nanjing 210023 ); ZHANG Jie, PhD in sociology, is Professorat School of Public Administration, Hohai University ( Nanjing 210098 ).
- 关键词:
个人价值观; 水平集体主义; 网络涵化; 参与式文化
- Keywords:
individual values; horizontal collectivism; internet cultivation; participatory culture
- 摘要:
和网络一起成长的00 后价值观与90 后相比,究竟有什么样的变化?本文通过对00后个人价值观的研究发现,00 后的个体意识与90 后具有延续性和相似性,但也出现了相异性。00 后较为认可个体主义价值观,但同时较为注重他人评价,亚文化群体认同较强,是建立在水平集体主义基础上的个体价值观而非西方的个体主义价值观;00 后对网红的认同度较之90 后有加强趋势。网络对00 后价值观的影响方面,研究发现首次“触网”年龄、每天上网时长与是否考虑成为网红具有统计学意义上的相关性,对00 后价值观产生影响,网络涵化效应显现。而之所以出现上述变化,文化无疑是一个重要的影响因素,一方面集体主义价值观自身出现了新的变化,另一方面网络化时代的参与式文化又加强了集体主义的某些面向,出现了与集体主义的合流。
- Abstract:
The values held by the post-00s generation, the younger generation born in China from 2000to 2009 and growing up with the Internet, are different from those of the post-90s generation. Through anempirical research on the individual values held by youth groups in the network age, this paper has found thatthe individual consciousness of the post-00s generation has continuity and similarity with that of the post-90s generation, but there are also differences: the post-00s generation have greater affinity with the Westernindividualistic values and show more care about others’ views on them; their sub-cultural group identity is moredistinct, which is based on the horizontal collectivism rather than the Western individualist values; and theiridentification with internet celebrities is also stronger. The age when they contact the Internet for the first timeand the amount of time that they spend on the Internet every day are statistically correlated with their desire tobecome an internet celebrity, which has an impact on the values held by young people, and the effect of Internetinclusion is obvious. These changes are undoubtedly related to cultural factors. On the one hand, the collectivistvalues themselves have undergone new changes. On the other hand, the participatory culture in the network erahas strengthened some aspects of collectivism, leading to its confluence with collectivism.
- 备注/Memo:
殷文,社会学博士,南京林业大学人文社会科学学院副教授(南京210023);张杰,社会学博士,河海大学公共管理学院教授(南京 210098)。本文系国家社科基金“新媒体环境下西方意识形态的隐性传播研究”(14BKS076)与国家社科重大招标项目“面向国家安全的网络信息行为与治理研究”(项目编号: 16ZDA055)的阶段性成果。论文数据来源于南京航空航天大学与腾讯事实说合作的00 后价值观调查。
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