[1]黄力之.论1949 年后的中国话语态势问题[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),2019,(02):081-89.
HUANG Lizhi is Professor at School of Marxism,Party School of the CPC ShanghaiMunicipal Committee ( Shanghai 00 )..On the Development of Chinese Discourse since 1949[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2019,(02):081-89.
论1949 年后的中国话语态势问题
- 卷:
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- Title:
On the Development of Chinese Discourse since 1949
- 作者:
上海市委党校马克思主义学院,上海 200233
- Author(s):
HUANG Lizhi is Professor at School of Marxism; Party School of the CPC ShanghaiMunicipal Committee ( Shanghai 200233 ).
- 关键词:
中国话语; 中国与世界; 话语价值判断
- Keywords:
Chinese discourse; China and the world; value judgment of discourse
- 摘要:
在现时代,构建中国话语的本质是在中西方关系中恢复并强化中国文化主体意识。新中国建立,中国与世界、与西方的关系进入重新整理和重新构建的过程,大致可以划分为如下四个阶段:第一阶段:苏化形式下的特殊西化(1949 —1963),中国话语呈低位运行;第二阶段:封闭半封闭式状态(1963 —1978),中国话语呈高位运行;第三阶段:全面开放时期(1978 —2012),中国话语呈双层运行,现象上显示为低位运行;第四阶段:重返世界舞台中心的新时代(2012 年以来),中国话语呈高位运行。中国话语问题具有复杂性:中国话语本身并不是简单的价值判断,不能认为中国话语是一个越多越好或者越纯越好的问题。中国话语的构建,必须继续睁开眼睛看世界,看看中国传统文化还有哪些东西是需要改造和改进的,要构建的中国话语并非历史上的中国话语的复活,而是创造性转化和创新性转换。
- Abstract:
In modern times, the purpose of constructing Chinese discourse is to restore and strengthen theconsciousness of Chinese cultural identity in the interaction between China and the West. After the founding ofthe People’s Republic of China in 1949, China’s relations with other countries and in particular with Westerncountries entered a process of reorganization and reconstruction, which can be roughly divided into four stages:( 1 ) the period of special Westernization in the form of modeling itself on Soviet Union ( 1949—1963 ),featuring a low-level operation of Chinese discourse; ( 2 ) the closed and semi-closed state ( 1963—1978 ),featuring a high-level operation of Chinese discourse; ( 3 ) the complete operation of Chinese discourse duringthe period of reform and opening-up (1978—2012), in which Chinese discourse operated at two levels despiteshowing a low-key profile; ( 4 ) the new era of returning to the center of the world stage ( since 2012 ), in whichChinese discourse operates at a high level. The issue of Chinese discourse is so complex in that any simplevalue judgement will miss the point: in particular, it is not a matter of“ the more and purer, the better”. Inorder to construct a Chinese discourse, we should continue to open our eyes to the outside world and recognizewhat else needs to be reformed and improved in Chinese traditional culture. The Chinese discourse underconstruction is not the revival of the Chinese discourse in history, but the creative and innovative transformationof both the traditional Chinese discourse and Western discourse.
- 备注/Memo:
黄力之,中共上海市委党校马克思主义学院教授(上海 200233)。 本文系上海市2017 年度“建国70 周年”研究系列:“中国话语体系建设的历程与经验教训研究”(2017BHB001)阶段性成果。
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