WU Xiaoou.From Zimin to Guomin: Focusing on Concept Shifts and MeaningInterpretations in Chen Zibao’s New-style Textbooks for Women andChildren[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2019,(02):043-50.
- 卷:
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- Title:
From Zimin to Guomin: Focusing on Concept Shifts and MeaningInterpretations in Chen Zibao’s New-style Textbooks for Women andChildren
- 作者:
宁波大学教师教育学院, 315211
- Author(s):
WU Xiaoou
WU Xiaoou, PhD in education, is Professor at School of Teacher Education, NjingboUniversity ( Ningbo 315211 ).
- 关键词:
陈子褒; 新式妇孺教科书; 子民; 国民
- Keywords:
Chen Zibao; new-style textbooks for women and children; zimin; guomin
- 摘要:
1895 年之后,陈子褒开始编撰新式妇孺教科书,陆续出现“子民”“国民”“女国民”“国家之母”等内容,建构以“国家”为核心的国民观。这些教科书从“天下国家”到“国民国家”,强调“国民”与“国家”同构,“国权”与“人权”统一;从“半教立国”到“女子读书”,倡导“造就平等之智识”,明确“以学救愚”“以教育兴国”;从“仁者爱人”到“一样亲爱”,呼吁“我国民,要相亲”,排列“爱国”“爱人”“爱己”顺序。陈子褒以“妇孺之仆”的实在努力,开创性建构及多样表达国民观,折射出近代知识分子的现代国家想象,彰显了新权力关系和意识形态创生的过程,也诠释了新式教科书承载的时代精神,为中国教育启蒙现代“人”开辟了重要道路。
- Abstract:
From 1895, Chen Zibao began to compile new-style textbooks for women and children, in whichthe terms zimin子民 ( literally people as sons ), guomin国民( literally national people ), nüguomin女国民( female national people ) and guojiazhimu国家之母( literally mother of the nation ) appeared successively. Allthese notions were intended to build a concept of guomin centering on the notion of guojia 国家( literally nationas family ). With the shift from taking guojia as the possession of the son of the heaven ( i.e. the supreme ruler )to regarding it as the nation of people, these textbooks put emphasis on the isomorphism between guomin andguojia and on the unification of the state power and human rights. With the shift from favoring Confucianismas part of the foundation of the nation to advocating women’s right to education, they promoted the idea ofequality and proposed curing ignorance by education and revitalizing the nation by education. With the shiftfrom favoring the benevolent gentlemen’s love for the social subjects to advocating the universal love based onequality, they called for the mutual love between people as equal social members and set up the order of love anindividual should cherish: i.e. from“ love for his nation” to“ love for his fellow people” to“ love for himself” .Striving to serve the country as the servants to women and children, Chen Zibao pioneered in developing andexpressing a notion of guomin, reflecting the imagination of a modern nation embraced by the intellectuals inmodern China and the process of how a new type of power relation and ideology came into being. Speaking ofthe spirit of the times embodied by the new-style textbooks, Chen’s works have blazed a trail in enlighteningChinese people by education to become man in the modern sense.
- 备注/Memo:
吴小鸥,教育学博士,宁波大学教师教育学院教授(宁波 315211)。本文系国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题“百年中国教科书中的国民性建构研究”(BOA170039)的研究成果之一。
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