WANG Jian-hua.Innovation and Entrepreneurship:A New Paradigm of UniversityTransformation and Development[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2018,(05):024.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Innovation and Entrepreneurship:A New Paradigm of UniversityTransformation and Development
- 作者:
- Author(s):
WANG Jian-hua
- 关键词:
创新创业; 转型发展; 创新创业型大学
- Keywords:
innovation and entrepreneurship; transformation and development; innovative and entrepreneurialuniversity
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The transformation and development of university is a continuous, multidimensional and longdrawn-out process. The development of universities from the early teaching university to the researchuniversity and even to today’s entrepreneurial university is a change not only in the function but also in theparadigm (i.e. the core values and action principle) of university. From past to present, factors of innovationand entrepreneurship can be found in universities, teaching-based or research-based. Yet teaching universitieshave concentrated on undergraduate education while research universities focusing on basic research due to therestrictions imposed by the historical conditions. As a result, the importance of innovation and entrepreneurshipfactors in a university were largely ignored and found no way out. However, considering the current emphasison innovation-driven development, innovation and entrepreneurship actions in a university have been sodeveloped in quantity that the university will undergo a transformation in quality by transforming profoundknowledge into practical application. Currently, a new idea is emerging that the university should directly servethe socio-economic development while providing quality undergraduate teaching and basic research, hence thedevelopment of an innovative and entrepreneurial university. As a new paradigm of university transformationand development“, innovation and entrepreneurship” is becoming a reality rather than a mere ideal.
- 备注/Memo:
* 教育学博士,南京师范大学教育科学学院、立德树人协同创新中心教授,博士生导师,210023。本文是国家社科基金教育学国家重大课题“双一流”建设背景下高校学科调整与建设研究(VIA170003)成果之一。
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