[1]肖奚强 余璐瑶*.“连/又/一边A带/又/一边B”格式比较研究[J].南京师范大学学报(社会科学版),2017,(06):137.
XIAO Xi-qiang,YU Lu-yao.A Comparative Study on the Constructions of“ Lian/You/Yibian A Dai/You/Yibian B”[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2017,(06):137.
- 卷:
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- Title:
A Comparative Study on the Constructions of“ Lian/You/Yibian A Dai/You/Yibian B”
- 作者:
肖奚强 余璐瑶*
* 肖奚强,文学博士,南京师范大学国际文化教育学院教授、博士生导师,210097 ;余璐瑶,浙江省乐清市东瓯自动化科技有限公司职员,325600。本文系国家社科基金项目“韩国留学生汉语篇衔接手段习得研究”(16BYY102)阶段性成果.
- Author(s):
XIAO Xi-qiang; YU Lu-yao
- 关键词:
“连A带B”; “又A又B”; “一边A一边B”; 三个平面; 比较研究
- Keywords:
“lian A dai B”; “you A you B”; “yibian A yibian B”; three planes; comparative study
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Three synonymic constructions“ lian A dai B”,“you A you B” and“ yibian A yibian B” are quitedifferent in syntax,semantics and pragmatics. In syntax,except for the differences in syllabic symmetry as wellas in A and B’s grammatical unit,these three constructions tend to show a ladder-like distribution concerningthe admission of verbal,adjective,and nominal elements,which directly cause their distinctions in syntacticalfunction and structural meaning. In semantics,the former two are inclined to accept A and B closely connectedin concept,while the latter one is the opposite. The internal elements in the three constructions are all related toeach other in coordinated and sequential manners logically,but they have their own features too. In pragmatics,“lian A dai B” and“ you A you B” mostly show the fusion of objectivity and subjectivity,while“ yibian Ayibian B” can only do objective description. Besides,their information foci are different:the focus of“ lian Adai B” is on A;that of“ yibian A yibian B” is on B;and“ you A you B” is on the new meaning constituted byA and B.
- 备注/Memo:
肖奚强,南京师范大学国际文化教育学院,210097 ;余璐瑶,浙江省乐清市东瓯自动化科技有限公司,325600
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