[1]朱小蔓 王 平*.在职场中生长教师的生命自觉——兼及陶行知“以教人者教己”的思想与实践[J].南京师范大学学报(社会科学版),2017,(03):067.
ZHU Xiao-man,WANG Ping.The Growth of Teachers’Life Consciousness in the Workplace:InLight of Tao Xingzhi’s Thought and Practice of“ Teaching Peopleto Teach Themselves First”[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2017,(03):067.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
The Growth of Teachers’Life Consciousness in the Workplace:InLight of Tao Xingzhi’s Thought and Practice of“ Teaching Peopleto Teach Themselves First”
- 作者:
朱小蔓 王 平*
- Author(s):
ZHU Xiao-man; WANG Ping
- 关键词:
生命教育; 教师; 生命自觉; 陶行知
- Keywords:
life education; teachers; life consciousness; Tao Xingzhi
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
As a whole,coordinated development of a multi-dimensional human life requires teachers engagedin conducting life education to respect,understand,encourage,promote and enable people’s life. Teachers’knowledge about human life,their ability to do life education,and the state of their own life grow graduallyand are thus enhanced through interaction with students in life education. Facing the difficulties in life educationin social and educational transition and the shortage of teachers’ ability to deal with these problems,we find thatTao Xingzhi’s views on‘ whole life’and‘ life education ’have important historical significance. Of particularnote are his thought of“ teaching people to teach themselves first” and his playing a role model for the practiceof such an idea. All this inspires us to guide teachers to continuously upgrade their human qualities,developthe ability to do life education,enrich and improve life quality on the basis of a full understanding of theeducational reality and teachers ’need for the growth of a complete life. Taking affective factors( in combinationwith teachers’ action research based on their workplace context) as the key to the formation and enhancementof the emotion and humanistic quality-based action research is not only the continuation and inheritance ofTao Xingzhi’s thought and practice but also an exploration on the possible approach in China’s social andeducational context to a successful life education with enabling teachers’ life as an indispensible component.
- 备注/Memo:
* 朱小蔓,教育学博士,北京师范大学教育学部教授、博士生导师,中国陶行知研究会会长,俄罗斯教育科学院外籍院士;王平,教育学博士,北京师范大学博士后研究人员,100875。本文是2016 年12 月9 —10 日在香港教育大学承办的中国陶行知研究会生命教育专业委员会第四届生命教育学术年会上的大会主题演讲论文,受到香港田家炳基金会赞助支持。
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