JIANG Ya-jun.History, Reason and Pedagogy: A Perspective from Philosophy of History[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2016,(02):094.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
History, Reason and Pedagogy: A Perspective from Philosophy of History
- 作者:
- Author(s):
JIANG Ya-jun
- 关键词:
教育史; 教育学; 教育史学; 历史的与逻辑的
- Keywords:
history of education; pedagogy; historical studies on education; the historical and the logical
- 摘要:
教育学和教育史分别以历史的和逻辑的方法对教育进行研究,尽管二者在研究对象、内容、方法上各有侧重,但学科之别不应成为学术研究的壁垒。教育史研究以历史为研究对象,是教育研究的一个基本领域; 它通过考察历史来理解教育,因而又是一种研究方法。一部教育史潜藏着一部教育思想史。逻辑的与历史的是一致的,教育史研究不仅仅是史实的记录和复述,文献的查找与整理,而是在尊重史实的基础上,厘清教育发展的来龙去脉,通过归纳、分析、演绎、推理等方法,发现教育的逻辑。
- Abstract:
Pedagogy and historical studies on education approach their research objects respectively from a logical perspective and a historical one. Although they are different in research object, content, method, but the division of disciplines should not become a barrier to education studies. Research on educational history focuses on how education develops diachronically. As a matter of fact, focusing on the history of education plays two functions: taking the history as research object, it makes an indispensable part of education studies on the one hand; on the other, it is a kind of research method, which helps to correctly understand education. Rather than being confined to keeping a record of historical facts, describing the facts, and collecting and categorizing documents, studies on educational history should tease out how education develops among the various historical facts, gain a reasonable understanding of education and identify its intrinsic logic by employing such methods as induction, analysis, deduction and inference.
- 备注/Memo:
* 教育学博士,南京师范大学基础教育人才培养模式协同创新中心、教育科学学院讲师,210097。本文是国家社会科学基金教育学类一般课题“儿童教育的现代立场和现代观念研究”(BAA140011)、江苏高校哲学社会科学研究基金资助项目“幼儿园课程改革的路向研究”(2014SJB114)的研究成果之一。
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