[1]邵炳军.从“自述其名”方式看“卒章显志”叙事模式的变迁 ——以《崧高》《烝民》《巷伯》《节南山》《閟宫》为中心[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),2015,(04):125.
SHAO Bing-jun.Evolution of the Narrative Mode Characterized by Bringing out the Motive at the End of the Text from the Perspective of Revealing the Narrator’s Name: Centering on xiangbo, jienanshan, songgao, zhengmin, and bigong[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2015,(04):125.
从“自述其名”方式看“卒章显志”叙事模式的变迁 ——以《崧高》《烝民》《巷伯》《节南山》《閟宫》为中心
- 卷:
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- Title:
Evolution of the Narrative Mode Characterized by Bringing out the Motive at the End of the Text from the Perspective of Revealing the Narrator’s Name: Centering on xiangbo, jienanshan, songgao, zhengmin, and bigong
- 作者:
- Author(s):
SHAO Bing-jun
- 关键词:
诗歌; 真实作者; 叙事文本; 自述其名; 卒章显志; 叙事模式
- Keywords:
poetry; true author; narrative text; revelation of the narrator’s name; bringing out the motive at the end of the text; narrative mode
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Narrators of shijing·xiaoya·xiangbo诗·小雅·巷伯, jienanshan节南山, daya·songgao 大雅·崧高, zhengmin烝民, and lusong·bigong鲁颂·閟宫 adopted a narrative mode characterized by revealing their names at the end of the texts to bring out their motives. In other words, they replaced the narrator “I” with the authorial “I’, referring to the real author himself. This is a typical case of overt narrator. One thing they have in common is the strengthening of the narrative subject’s overt evaluation and self-consciousness. Such a narrative mode has exerted a profound influence on the creation of Chinese poetry and even literature in general.
- 备注/Memo:
* 文学博士,上海大学中国古代文学与文化研究中心主任、教授、博士生导师,200444。本文是国家社科基金一般项目“春秋世族作家群体与文学创作考论”(14BZW038)阶段性成果。
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