LIU Yue-lei.Compilation of Remarks on Ci Poetry in the Ming and Qing Dynasties: Motives, Types and Characteristics[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2015,(02):145.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Compilation of Remarks on Ci Poetry in the Ming and Qing Dynasties: Motives, Types and Characteristics
- 作者:
- Author(s):
LIU Yue-lei
- 关键词:
明清词话; 编撰动机; 编撰类型; 编撰特点
- Keywords:
remarks on ci poetry in the Ming and Qing dynasties; compilation motives; compilation types
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
In spite of great achievements made in the study of ci poetry in the Ming and Qing dynasties, no research has been done on the history of remarks on ci poetry in this period. Also, there are few studies on the compilation of these remarks. Motives for compiling remarks on ci poetry fall into 9 categories. Some compilers were motivated by collecting materials for conversations; some by providing documents for future generations; some by promoting a certain theory; some by teaching later generations how to compose ci poems; some by attracting public attention to their friends’ works; some by fame and wealth; some by doing academic researches on ci poetry; some by disseminating a certain literary idea; and some by publicizing the local culture of a certain prefecture or city. Different compiling motives give rise to different compiling types. Some compilers record what they have seen and heard or give their own understandings of ci poetry; some collect different kinds of literature on ci poetry; and some make adjustments to existing works on remarks on ci poetry.
- 备注/Memo:
* 南京师范大学文学院博士研究生,210097。本文为普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(KYZZ_0205)阶段性成果。①谢之勃:《论词话》,《国专季刊》1933年第1期。②刘雨:《〈人间词话〉写作年代考》,《云南社会科学》1985年第2期。③姜荣刚:《从内证看〈人间词话〉手稿的写作时间》,《中国典籍与文化》2013年第2期。④陈昌强:《〈赌棋山庄词话〉及续编之成书与文献价值》,《古代文学理论研究》2009年第2期。⑤唐圭璋:《〈词苑丛谈〉跋》,《词学论丛》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1986年,第1044页。⑥王熙元:《历代词话叙录》,台湾:中华书局,1973年,第104页。⑦孙克强、张东艳:《〈词统源流〉等四部词话伪书考》,《文学遗产》2004年第6期。⑧钟振振:《〈古今词话〉批评》,《文学遗产》1996年第6期。
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