[1]何 峰.南巡、盐商与清代扬州城市景观的变迁[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),2014,(04):069.
HE Feng.Yangzhou Salt Merchants and the Change of Yangzhou UrbanLandscape during the Southern Inspection Tours of Kangxi and Qianlong[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2014,(04):069.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Yangzhou Salt Merchants and the Change of Yangzhou UrbanLandscape during the Southern Inspection Tours of Kangxi and Qianlong
- 作者:
何 峰*
- Author(s):
HE Feng
- 关键词:
两淮盐商; 康乾南巡; 扬州; 景观
- Keywords:
Yangzhou salt merchants; Southern Tours of Kangxi and Qianlong; Yangzhou; landscape
- 摘要:
康乾南巡期间,两淮盐商对扬州城市景观变迁产生重要影响并发挥积极作用。两淮盐商是南巡差务经费的重要承担者,为南巡提供了重要的经济、物质支持。因迎銮需要,盐商不但在行宫营建与修缮中积极出资出力,而且主动参与扬州城各类迎銮景观及建筑的营建与修缮。至乾隆南巡期间,扬州城市景观发生显著变化,盐商修建的园亭遍布南巡沿经地区,也成为乾隆帝游赏扬州景观的主要类别,扬州城的景观与文化营建活动达到极盛。盐商对南巡的贡献,得到了帝王的嘉赏,盐商不仅巩固了其专商地位,而且社会、政治地位迅速提升; 通过大批园林建筑的兴建与拓展,两淮盐商成为影响清中叶扬州城市景观与文化的中坚力量。
- Abstract:
This study focuses on the role played by Yangzhou salt merchants in the formation of Yangzhou’s urban landscape during the Southern Inspection Tours of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong. First, those merchants provided enormous material support for the imperial inspection tours. Second, they constructed a series of landscape and buildings besides palaces for the emperors to enjoy their tours in Yangzhou. Third, during the southern tours of Emperor Qianlong, the landscape and cultural construction in Yangzhou reached its peak, thus changing the city’s outlook fundamentally. Because of their contributions to the success of the emperors’ southern inspection tours, the merchants enhanced their economic, political and social status, and thus had a great impact on landscape and culture of Yangzhou City in the mid-Qing Dynasty.
- 备注/Memo:
* 理学博士,北京大学城市与环境学院环境科学博士后,100871。
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