[1]潘持春 盛宇华.管理胜任力面试测评有效性的实证研究[J].南京师大学报(社会科学版),2013,(02):038.
 PAN Chi-chun,SHENG Yu-hua.An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of the Interview for Competency Assessment[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition),2013,(02):038.





An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of the Interview for Competency Assessment
潘持春 盛宇华*
PAN Chi-chun SHENG Yu-hua
管理胜任力 面试测评 会聚效度 区分效度 预测效度
management competency interview convergent validity discriminant validity predictive validity
管理胜任力面试测评的有效性,取决于被试待测胜任力相关的管理工作的岗位特征、面试测评的结构化程度与问题组织形式及评委的测评能力三者的有效匹配与组合。采用半结构化面试与行为试题结合的方式,通过由研究人员、用人单位高层管理人员及用人单位人事主管组成的面试小组对待聘高层及中高层管理人员的胜任力进行测评,从会聚效度与区分效度、预测效度两个方面对提高管理胜任力面试测评有效性的方法进行了实证研究,研究表明,测评的会聚效度与区分效度分别为0.647及0.431。以测评结果与最后综合评定结果之间的符合程度表示的预测效度总体为94%; 以被试录用2年内是否得到晋升或其直接上司对其工作绩效的评定为效标时,预测总体较为有效且对中高层管理岗位胜任力测评的预测效度要好于高层管理岗位。
The effectiveness of the interview about competency assessment depends upon the effective matching between: characteristics of the management job in question; the structural degree of the interview and its question form; and the judges’ ability to make adequate assessment. Through combining semi-structured interviews with behavioral test, the interview panel made of researchers, senior management and the head of the personnel department will interview the candidates applying for the senior and junior positions of the management. From the perspective of convergent validity, discriminant validity and predictive validity, we conduct an empirical research on the method of improving the validity of the interview for the competency assessment. The result shows that the convergent validity and discriminant validity of evaluation are.647 and.431 respectively. In terms of the coincidence degree to which the evaluation results match the final comprehensive evaluation results, the predictive validity is 94%. Taking as the criteria whether the candidates get promoted in two years or their direct superiors’ assessment of their performance, the overall prediction is more effective and the predictive validity of competency assessment in the case of the middle-senior positions is better than that of the senior management positions.


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* 潘持春,法学博士,南京师范大学商学院讲师; 盛宇华,法学博士,南京师范大学商学院教授、博士生导师,210097。本文为江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究基金资助项目(2012SJB630045)阶段性成果。
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-30