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The Evolutionary Logic of the Multiple Senses of “Subject” and Its Historical Effects in Western Psychology(PDF)


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The Evolutionary Logic of the Multiple Senses of “Subject” and Its Historical Effects in Western Psychology
Western psychology subject as observer subject as observable psychologization methodologism
The historical connection between the “subject” as the starting point of psychology and the “subject” as the pivot of Western philosophy and its effect on the history of psychology, is still a key issue that needs to be explored in depth. The subject is not naturally the object of psychology, but the object of psychology is naturally the subject. In the world picture of ancient Greece, “subjectum” is the “subject” from which everything “is” and continues to “be”. It is a non-conscious “subject” that does not involve consciousness. The metaphysics of the subject since Descartes, by representing the object as things in our mind, replaces it as the consciousness subject from which each thing “is”. This psychologizing process of subject retreating into the mind establishes the supremacy of the consciousness subject sitting on the throne of necessity. Since then, all kinds of psychology have to imagine themselves around this consciousness subject, thus forming various psychologies with “mind” or without “mind” that we are now familiar with. This psychologized subject has a dual modality: it guards knowledge and at the same time is itself the object of knowledge. When the conceited rational Cartesian subject is placed under the gaze and manipulation of mainstream psychological technology, it becomes a subordinate object, the subject of research. Nature evolves for the subject as observer, and the subject as observable evolves for technologies:various experimental devices dominate and regulate the daily life of the “citizen-subjects” of the psychological kingdom.


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Last Update: 2023-02-25