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The Approaches and Integration of the Psychological Mechanismof Political Trust(PDF)


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The Approaches and Integration of the Psychological Mechanismof Political Trust
WU Lin LIU Zhi-yu
political trust psychological mechanism institutional theory cultural theory relativism
Politics is a key factor in the process of individual socialization, and it is also an importantpart of an individual’s life history. With regard to the psychological mechanism of political trust, the mainfoothold of the institutional theory is the realistic rationalism in the spatial dimension, and it believes that theindividual experience forms the performance of political trust on the basis of weighing, judging and evaluatingthe performance of the political organizations and institutions from the angle of rational calculation. Therational psychology involved in the institutional generation of political trust is manifested in the psychologicalpromotion of access to information, the expectation of economic income equality and the psychological effectof political identity. While the main foothold of cultural theory is the early empiricism in the time dimension,i.e. the attachment experience and interpersonal trust acquired by individuals in the early stage. The value, lifeattitude and interpersonal experience of the early experience at the individual level all affect the formation oflater political trust, and the political trust has the characteristics of family inheritance at the intergenerationallevel. The psychological mechanism of political trust reflected by the cultural theory includes the psychologicalattachment of intergenerational inheritance, the psychological indoctrination of school education and thepsychological habits of knowledge accumulation. Additionally, the epistemological orientation of relativismtries to draw on the basic viewpoints of cultural theory and institutional theory and combine them concretely.It focuses on the relationship between the basic decision role of the early experience identified by the culturaltheory and the adaptive adjustment of the later experience identified by the institutional theory, thereby dealingwith the multifaceted functions of the changes in the experience of the time and the relative stability of thepsychological habits, and examining whether and how the family environment, economic resources, socialstatus, interpersonal relationship, cognitive ability, and emotional experience influence the future political trust.




Last Update: 2018-11-25