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A Common Intellectual’s Life as an Educationalist:Professor Diao Pei’e’s Educational Thoughts and Spiritual Legacy(PDF)


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A Common Intellectual’s Life as an Educationalist:Professor Diao Pei’e’s Educational Thoughts and Spiritual Legacy
ZHU Xiao-man
Diao Pei’e academic thoughts Marxist Educational Philosophy Searching for DevelopmentalChain: A Dialectical Examination of Education A General Survey of Educational Culture
Professor Diao Pei’e was an outstanding maverick educationalist. This paper is my memoriesof Professor Diao who was also a man of great integrity. The reason why I have to write about his life as aneducationalist is twofold. On the one hand, this is my best way to pay homage to him, which was a spiritualassignment I had set myself. On the other, this is driven by the reality of the current academic circles, in whichwe are facing a lot of confusions and criticisms, trying to stick to our principles against a lot of conflicts andstruggles, and at the same time aspiring for what is good. As the author of Marxist Educational Philosophy,A Study on Educational Culture, and Rural Education, which are all the first of its kind in China, ProfessorDiao made pioneering contribution to the corresponding three branches of educational studies; his workis of fundamental significance for the educational studies in Nanjing Normal University and even for thewhole educational discipline in China. What he treasured most was the intrinsic value of doing research sothat he was ready to participate in building academic communities and enjoyed teaching, doing research andguiding young scholars through research. What he needed most was nothing but time and opportunity to dosomething useful. To him, nothing was more noble, meaningful, and enjoyable than thinking freely, writingin accordance with his heart and doing research without any disturbances. His monograph of A General Surveyof Educational Culture is his masterpiece on and his last call for educational studies as well as a strong evidencefor his relentless academic efforts. He will be remembered for his unswerving efforts to integrate educationalexperiments into philosophical studies on education and for living his life as a common intellectual on theprinciple o“f coming and departing with purity and simplicity”




Last Update: 2016-05-15