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Beyond Fear: A Review of Researches on Older Adults’ Death Attitudes(PDF)


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Beyond Fear: A Review of Researches on Older Adults’ Death Attitudes
ZHOU Xue-mei WEI Qing-wang
older adults death attitude psychological health terror management theory
The psychological health of older adults is an important issue for an aging society. To address this issue has to take the death attitudes of older adults into consideration. This paper is intended to review the vast literature on older adults’ death attitude, including its structure and features, various correlates, and its relationship with psychological health. In addition, terror management theory is also described from the perspective of the studies on older adults’ death attitudes. Previous studies on this issue have such limitations as: neglecting death acceptance; lacking an integrated theory; using limited research methods; overlooking cultural differences; and avoiding tough but key problems.


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Last Update: 2013-04-30