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The Effects of Zhong-Yong Thinking on Female Administrators’ Role Conflict:A Longitudinal Survey Carried out in 12 Kindergartens(PDF)


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The Effects of Zhong-Yong Thinking on Female Administrators’ Role Conflict:A Longitudinal Survey Carried out in 12 Kindergartens
YIN Jun WEN Qiuxiang LANG Yi
Zhong-Yong thinking role conflict work family balance behavior paradoxical leadership behavior
Based on the logic of “role cognitive style—role behavior—result” adopted by the role theory and social information processing theory, this paper explores the effects of Zhong-Yong thinking on female administrators’ coping with two types of role conflict(i.e., work-family conflict and agency-communion conflict), and construct two theoretical models: “Zhong-Yong thinking—work family balance behavior—family/family member satisfaction” and “Zhong-Yong thinking—paradoxical leadership behavior—leadership effectiveness.” Based on a longitudinal survey of 137 female administrators, this paper explores the influence mechanism of Zhong-Yong thinking on female administrators’ family satisfaction, family member satisfaction and leadership effectiveness. The results show that Zhong-Yong thinking has a positive effect on female administrators’ family satisfaction, family member satisfaction and leadership effectiveness; and work-family balance behavior and paradoxical leadership behavior mediate the two effects respectively. When female administrators are faced with higher work-family conflict, the influence of Zhong-Yong thinking on their work family balance behavior will be stronger. In the context of higher job complexity, the influence of female administrators’ Zhong-Yong thinking on their paradoxical leadership behavior will be stronger.


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