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Marx's View of Socialist Society and Two “Propulsive Waves” in the Course of Its Practice(PDF)


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Marx's View of Socialist Society and Two “Propulsive Waves” in the Course of Its Practice
YU Liangzao
view of socialist society “propulsive waves” approach to socialist exploration community with a shared future for mankind
The socialist society envisaged by Marx and Engels is a society where there is no commodity production, no class and class confrontation, and no state and state machinery. In the middle and late 19th century, there were some twists and turns in the international proletariat practice to pursue the realization of Marx and Engels' view of socialist society. The so-called “twists and turns”, firstly refers to the setbacks and twists and turns in the proletariat's practice process, and secondly refers to the reflection on and transformation of Marx and Engels' ideology due to the twists and turns in the practice. In the 20th century, the first “propulsive wave” moving towards the above-mentioned socialist society was the practice of the October Revolution led by Lenin and the practice of exploring approaches to socialism and the subsequent practice of the Soviet Union in building a socialist society. Its merit is to break the unifying world pattern shaped by the oppressive system and to establish a new social system in which people can live a happy life; and due to its inherent superiority, the new system is able to defeat all imperialist reactionary forces. The second “propulsive wave” of progress towards the above-mentioned socialist society occurring in the 20th century refers to the wave of reform and opening-up carried out by various Communist-run countries with the reform and opening-up under the leadership of the Communist Party of China as the mainstream content. The characteristics of the movement of the second wave in advancing human history are as follows: the first is to adopt a “win-win” approach to economic development between the countries run by communist parties and other types of country in the world; the second is to establish “a community with a shared future for mankind” proposed by the ruling Communist Party in China; and the third is to advocate exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations.




Last Update: 2022-08-25