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The Shift from Speaking on Others’ Behalf to Taking Action inStudies on Lower Class Education: Methodological Implications ofPaulo Freire’s Dialogic Teaching(PDF)


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The Shift from Speaking on Others’ Behalf to Taking Action inStudies on Lower Class Education: Methodological Implications ofPaulo Freire’s Dialogic Teaching
TANG Meijuan
TANG Meijuan, PhD in education, is Associate Professor at School of EducationScience, Inner Mongolia Normal University ( Hohhot 010022 ).
study on lower class education Paulo Freire dialogic teaching action mode educational equality
Under the demand for educational equality by theoretical studies and facing the lower class’sdisadvantage in making their voice heard, researchers choose to be self-appointed representatives for thevulnerable group, forming the mode of“ speaking on others ’behalf” in education studies. However, becauseof the social gap between the researchers and people of lower class, this mode entails insurmountable logicaldilemmas. By his sociological imagination, Paulo Freire intervened in the social reality by liberating education,facilitating the conscientization of the lower class, and enabling them to realize humanity and become a socialmember who can voice his own opinions. On the basis of the ontological and epistemological analyses ofdialogue, he endowed it with the function of helping people to realize their values, and advocated dialogicteaching that is considered as the key means of liberating education. In the dialogic teaching, researchers andthe lower-class people are all equal social subjects, and they cooperate in recognizing and reforming the realityof lower class. In the process of programming teaching content, Paulo Friere also practiced the dialogic modeand created the method of generative theme survey. Dialogues make lower class people have their own voiceby endowing them with subjectivity, thus resolving the logical dilemmas of the aforementioned“ speaking onothers’ behalf” mode. Paulo Freire’s dialogic teaching is not only of pedagogical significance, but also builds anaction mode for the studies on lower class education.




Last Update: 2019-03-30