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“Pragmatic Measure” or “Reasonable Action”: Debate on Retaining or Abolishing the Preparatory Education System in Late Qing and Early Period of the Republic of China(PDF)


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“Pragmatic Measure” or “Reasonable Action”: Debate on Retaining or Abolishing the Preparatory Education System in Late Qing and Early Period of the Republic of China
HU Jinping
pre-college education pragmatic measure rationality legitimacy debate on retainment or abolishment
The pre-college preparatory education system was a “pragmatic measure” adopted in late Qing Dynasty to address the insufficient quality and quantity of students entering universities by following the model of Japan. As such preparatory programs were mostly run independently by various universities, they were able to align their curricula and teaching more closely with the basic knowledge requirements of undergraduate programs, gaining a “legitimate” status particularly after the founding of the Republic of China. For a considerable period, the establishment of university preparatory programs was not only legitimate but also reasonable, favored by various universities. Even after the promulgation of the “Regulations of the School Year of 1922”, which stripped them of their legitimacy, they continued to “flourish”. However, the nature of university preparatory education was ambiguous, especially regarding its relationship with universities, which became a significant factor triggering the fierce controversy over its legitimacy and necessity at Peking University in the early years of the Republic of China. Moreover, due to the irrational layout of universities themselves, the establishment of university preparatory program inevitably led to regional disparities, widening the gap in educational development across different areas and affecting the development of secondary education. Nevertheless, compared with the curriculum and teaching of ordinary high schools, the precise alignment of university preparatory education with the basic knowledge requirements of undergraduate education indeed contributes more effectively to the professional development of university education. The debate over the necessity of the university preparatory system has persisted, even after the abolition decree in 1930, with voices of contention still not entirely silenced.




Last Update: 2024-04-25