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Building a New Educational Landscape by Taking Future as the Starting Point: A Futurological Reflection on UNESCO's Reimaging Our Futures Together(PDF)


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Building a New Educational Landscape by Taking Future as the Starting Point: A Futurological Reflection on UNESCO's Reimaging Our Futures Together
CHEN Hongyan
future education alternative future preferred future educational landscape
Twenty-five years after the Delors Report, UNESCO issued its third major report in its history entitled Reimagining Our Futures Together: A New Social Contract for Education at the 41st session of the General Conference in 2021. The report, on the one hand, reveals the current macro-environment of education and, on the other hand, examines the bottlenecks and possibilities for its development from the inside, attempting to sketch a new picture of education for the future in 2050. The present study points out that in order to become an active participant and constructor of future education, rather than an implementer, it is necessary to go beyond the textual meaning of the report and delve into the logic behind it, especially the “future” logic behind the picture of future education. To this end, this study uses diachronic comparison, synchronic analysis, and the futures triangle to analyze the report's discursive turn, futurological logic, and the resolution of a new educational landscape. The study argues that UNESCO is currently calling for a new humanist vision that shifts from the personal to the relational, from anthropocentrism to ecological justice, in order to build plural futures that start with the future, where the participation of multiple subjects becomes the most important variable in the construction of the future. Moreover, the blank space in the new educational landscape reminds us that the social contract should be seen as a metaphor rather than a factual future.




Last Update: 2023-02-25